Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Senyuman Manis Si Comel GiveAway

sangat sangap arinih... berblog hopping sambil berblog shopping dan terjumpa contest nih, Senyuman Manis Si Comel GiveAway ... so why not give a try kan.... gambar dompot pun banyak amat dlm pc nih.... pilih je lah salah satu....

soooo, this is the photo...gambar diambil last May..masa ni tengah layan burg*er king kat Restoran jejantas Sg. Buluh lepas menghadiri moi bespren wedding...hehehe..... ni senyum gumbira sebab baru abiskan sebotoi heinz... muka kekenyangan lah ni..

You are my strength
That carries me to another tomorrow
You are my everything
I could ask for nothing more..

mommy luvs u berrrryyy much....

Nama Penuh Sicomel: Muhammad Aqeel Hulaif Bin Muhamad Aduha
Umur Sicomel: 1 year 3 days..
Status Sicomel : anakku sayang
Nama Pengirim: yours truly


Ayu Katerina said...

nyaaaaaaaaaa mcm dh beso je cara dia senyummm.. ai laikee this pic very much!!!

MamaZarith said...

Salam kenal..
Tq for joining this contest.. wah.. hansem nyer dompot.. gud luck ya!